Winter on the Boat

We have been living full time aboard Scream since the beginning of October, and wintering on a boat is both fun and challenging. Winter in Victoria is, of course, not really winter compared to most places.

Snowy Docks

Both Steven and I are from Edmonton, and there is real winter there. Of course, when we were in Edmonton, we had homes with insulation and central heating. There has been snow here a couple of times, and the last few weeks it's been cold enough for ice to form and stay on top of the water.


It's chilly and damp in the mornings, since we turn off the diesel and electric heaters at night for safety. In this picture, you can see that the temperature is about 4 degrees Celsius and the humidity is getting close to 90%. The thermometer is in our main head and that photo was taken one morning last week.

On the other hand, we do love living on the boat. The community here on the docks is very friendly and small-towny. We know our neighbours, and occasionally get together. And, of course, we can still go sailing, even if it is cold.

Darusha on the Foredeck

All in all, I have to admit that winter isn't the most wonderful time to first be moving on board a boat. There is the constant battle against dampness and condensation, the permanently cold feet (except just after having pulled the slippers out of the oven) and the gazillion sweaters we always wear. However, as Steven points out, this will just make the spring and summer that much nicer. And, of course, it's still paradise, even if it is chilly.

Mount Baker