Gone Fission in Tenedos Bay

Sailing our dinghy Gone Fission in Tenedos Bay in Desolation Sound.

One thought on “Gone Fission in Tenedos Bay

  1. Roland Alcock says:

    Hi Darusha & Steve,

    Thx for posting your adventures. Nice to see what you have been up to.

    I am commenting on Darusha's comment on the Gone Fission in Tenedos video in which she says "I don't know why it is called Desloation Sound". This caught me by surprise that such an educated and accomplished person did not know the origin of this name. I am no sailor but from my reading of BC history in mags like Beautful BC magazine I know it was named that by none other than captain George Vancouver himself. To understand why he called it that you need to understand the mind of eighteenth century Europeans who viewed natural unspoilt places as kind of scary, uncivilised and ungodly. The land was not under the hand of "civilised" man or under the plough and therefore it was desolate. In fact Vancouver is quoted in this article as saying "there was not a single prospect that was pleasing to the eye". [1]

    We have ofcourse completeiy changed our views in the 21st century largely due to the progress and enlightenment made possible by the study of science and nature and the retreat of religion (thankfully!).

    Happy sailing and best regards!!

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