On the Hard

On April 2nd, Scream was hauled out of the water in Sidney, BC to have work done below the water line. We hired professionals to do the work as we are rather timid, and don't have the correct tools.

Scream on the hard

The outside of the hull bellow the water line (which is usually referred to as "the bottom") was cleaned and painted with an anti-fouling (read toxic) paint to deter the growth of barnacles and other sea life. We changed the cathodic protection ("zincs"). We replaced the valves ("sea cocks") on five through-hulls fittings, added another through-hull, and installed a through-hull refridgeration system.

Scream out of the water

While Scream was out of the water we had a crack in the boom repaired, as gouges in the cast-aluminum boom-end fitting corrected.

All in all a successful week!