April 2008

Refrigeration Upgrade

We spent the last three days replacing our two previous refrigeration systems with a new one. We used to have an AC compressor and an engine-driven compressor, both of which still ran on Freon. We now have a Keel cooled Frigoboat system (K50-SSC) that runs off the 12V house batteries and uses R134a. We bought […]

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Liferaft servicing

We were in Vancouver this week to get our liferaft serviced.  Scream carries an inflatable liferaft for the crew.  Inflatable rafts are industry standard, and they are tested and repaired by authorized dealers every year. The raft is in a large duffel bag that weighs almost 100 pounds.  In the bag there are a half […]

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A visit from my father

Scream went for a three hour tour with Dieter Ensslen, the father of the first mate, and his partner. We sailed close to beam in about 15kn of wind, first making 4 knots against the current and then 8 knots with it. All while chatting a lot and paying little attention to the sails. It […]

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On the Hard

On April 2nd, Scream was hauled out of the water in Sidney, BC to have work done below the water line. We hired professionals to do the work as we are rather timid, and don't have the correct tools. The outside of the hull bellow the water line (which is usually referred to as "the […]

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